Last New Year I had much fun putting together my list of best album tracks. So, to continue the ‘tradition’, I’m going for something similar this year. Inspired by my earlier (failed!) meme Desert Island Amazon Challenge I’m going to do a Desert Island C90.

Young readers may wonder what a C90 is. As ever, Wikipedia can explain all. People of my vintage have a long association with the C90. Many hours sweating over a music centre putting together compilation tapes. It was an art, a joy and a trial all rolled into one. We sat on buses and trains, walked about rainy streets, listening to the fruits of these labours. Always regretting at least one song on the tape that should never have been put on and was too expensive on battery to skip past.

I found a big bag of these C90’s in the loft the other day. They are a little bit of social archaeology. Each one freezing a moment in time both in terms of music and what I was doing at the time.

So, here’s the challenge. You can take 1 C90 on to a Desert Island. What are you going to put on it? Rules are simple, you have 2 sides of 45 minutes each, pick tunes to fit. Don’t worry about leaving gaps in between (we’ll assume you are a master of the art and, anyway, the tapes were always slightly more than 45 mins) so just add up the track durations.

Just as the Amazon challenge was defined by value for money, this one is all about value for time. You may love something big and long in a prog-rock way, but can you really afford to use 10 precious minutes?

I’m working on my tracks now, its quite tricky, I’ll post them soon.