
On 30th June 2005 I uploaded my first photos to morguefile.com. They were fairly uninteresting shots taken with my old point-and-shoot Sony. In September 2007, I started uploading a few shots to sxc.hu.Across these two sites, I have now had over 250,000 hi-res...

The (not so) Silent Blogger

You may have noticed a large gap in this blog. Have I been remiss in my blogging? Nay not so. I’ve been off through Europe on the Sucata Run and was blogging furiously on the team blog.First time I’ve tried any real-time blogging like that and it was a lot...

Introducing… The GMail Ad Game

One of the many great things about GMail is the single advert you get at the top of your inbox. As with everything Google-esque, it is context-sensitive to what is going on the page and, particular to GMail, in the email on the page.So, here is the, I admit entirely...