Oh look shiny toys! I briefly wandered off the “getting the book publishing done” to spend a few fun days finally getting something together for scottliddell.net, the long since abandoned photography only site.
I got up early one Sunday morning and just built a very basic layout with much of the CSS I had already. It worked OK, I much prefer it to the fishy design I had been trying out. The photo gallery sofware makes it quite easy and hopefully fairly minimal maintenance.
Thanks to MorgueFile and FlashRelief it is already getting towards 100 hits a day, which isn’t too bad.
In other photo news, didn’t have as much success with this year’s Everyman competition. It’s easy to see why, some stunning entries this year, well worth a look.
And finally Esther, managed to shoot some shots for an attempt at HDR Tone Mapping. The results are below. Tone mapping was done with Dynamic Photo HDR, which seems to work pretty well. I don’t blame it for the average results, a combination of my ability and the fickel Scottish weather are more culpable. This is a combination of 3 shots at f8, shot at -2.0eV, 0, +2.0eV. Black and white conversion was done using the Gorman-Holbert method.

While I’m here, just like to say a howdy and get well soon to my very good and much loved friend MorFF. Look forward to you getting well very soon.