I was tempted to continue “Speed of Spam” experiment by calling this blog post “Britney Spears Naked” but it turns out I didn’t have to.*

Once again, I have nothing particularly coherent to say so this will be another collection of stuff.

First of all, I have to say thanks to David Airey for nominating the logo for this blog in his Logo Design Awards. My logo won’t (and shouldn’t win), but hey, it’s nice to take part.

Bit of an ‘old news’ item this, but I made it onto the BBC website again and, not just my daughter this time, the whole gang.

Many thanks to “The Big A” for spotting this from, of all places, India.

In addition to this, there has been lots and lots of other photo usage and I’ve been terribly remiss in reporting it here or elsewhere. Here are a few recent ones:

Lastly (and most important of all), I’d like to congratulate Albo & family for their latest arrival. Delighted just doesn’t quite get there.

* see what I did there?