Desert Island C90 Challenge – My Tape

So, here it is, frozen in time at the end of 2008, my Desert Island C90. As ever, tomorrow’s will be as different as yesterday’s.This should have been a lot easier. Armed with a lot of data from I shouldn’t really have to think what I like...

2008 – Review of the Year

At the end of last year I wrote a list herein of things I’d like to accomplish this year. This is how badly I fared. 1 Great Photograph – FAIL I didn’t really manage it. There are a few that I really like but nothing anywhere near what I was hoping...

Desert Island C90

Last New Year I had much fun putting together my list of best album tracks. So, to continue the ‘tradition’, I’m going for something similar this year. Inspired by my earlier (failed!) meme Desert Island Amazon Challenge I’m going to do a...

Ipernity Slideshow and Award

While the world is stayed generally Flickr obsessed, Ipernity has snuck up on the rails. I’ve been a member for a while and I have to say I like it a lot.First of all, it is a really neat implementation. The UI is neat and makes great use of all the Ajax-y...