
Just had a quick play with Wordle. It is strangely soothing. The Wordle for this blog is below, click on it to see it bigger…


You could argue that I should have categorised this under Writing. Either way, it is very amusing and so wonderfully, accidentally apropos!Many thanks to the people at 101 Reasons To Stop Writing for using my image (and for making Stuart’s day). For the record,...


On 30th June 2005 I uploaded my first photos to morguefile.com. They were fairly uninteresting shots taken with my old point-and-shoot Sony. In September 2007, I started uploading a few shots to sxc.hu.Across these two sites, I have now had over 250,000 hi-res...

The (not so) Silent Blogger

You may have noticed a large gap in this blog. Have I been remiss in my blogging? Nay not so. I’ve been off through Europe on the Sucata Run and was blogging furiously on the team blog.First time I’ve tried any real-time blogging like that and it was a lot...

Introducing… The GMail Ad Game

One of the many great things about GMail is the single advert you get at the top of your inbox. As with everything Google-esque, it is context-sensitive to what is going on the page and, particular to GMail, in the email on the page.So, here is the, I admit entirely...