A Word from our Sponsor

I would like to take a few moments to suggest you check out the most excellent NewsBiscuit book, Isle of Wight To Get Ceefax. If you’re not familiar with NewsBiscuit it is a UK focused satirical website (much in the style The Onion). This book contains the best...

It’s Not Easy Being Green

Two steps forward, three steps back. I’d made some progress on TerraExitus. Not much, but enough to give me a feel for where I was going. And there’s the problem. I passed a few chunks by Stuart and we both arrived at a pretty similar conclusion. It was a...

The Invisibles

Cracking day at Edinburgh Zoo, almost too much light, lovely day. And, amazingly, many of the animals we hardly ever see made an appearance.Pallas CatGiant AnteaterManed WolfAnd some of the more usually visible animals were looking fine too:I’ll link these up to...

1001 Reasons to Be Depressed

I was in the bookshop* yesterday and saw a book called something like “1001 Places to See Before You Die”. A very nice picture book, full of interesting locations. There are many of it’s type.It struck me that, if you’re not careful, it could...

Oooh Stretchy!

Doesn’t look that much different but the blog templates they are a changing. This is the first incarnation of a new blog template now with a stretchy 3-column liquid layout and integrated Twitter-y stuff. (Thanks to Martin Taylor).Ultimately, I plan to move this...