Bruges. Get a camera. Go there.
The blog here has been a bit quiet while I gadded about Europe for a week. Since coming back I’ve been wading through 1291 photos and this is the first set for the blog. I’ll get them on the photo site soon enough.
I had been really looking forward to Bruges since watching In Bruges. It’s a very beautiful place and, for the benefit of all photographers, very empty ( especially for night stuff ). You get a lot of time to shoot long exposures/multi-shots without people walking into shot. I didn’t get great light during the day, so I spent much longer at night. So, the good people of Bruges kindly lit most stuff up and then stayed at home.
You’ll notice that there aren’t any shots for the top of the bell tower. Well, after heaving myself and my bag up 366 *very* narrow steps, they had put a bloody great mesh across the windows. That, combined with a distinct lack of breath, meant I didn’t shoot much up there. I didn’t get much decent of the front of the bell tower either as there was a hulking great grandstand in the way for the Blood Festival.
Still, all in all, a great location to shoot, especially at night.