It has become a recent personal tradition to unleash a soon to be forgotten meme on the world around New Year time. You can peruse the previous ones thusly.
This year’s meme is very simple but, at the same time, quite tricky. The good news is that the process of putting it together is a lot of fun, which is the point. As any self-respecting reality TV show will tell you, it’s all about the journey.
So, here’s something you’ll all recognise. You hear a song and your are instantly transported back to time in the past. You remember what age you were, what you were doing, what the weather was like, who you were with (yeah, like that bit in Ratatouille, expect with music, not veg).
The task is simple, find a song from as many years as you can that will instantly transport you back there. I’ve been putting my list together, the thing to remember is that the song my not be from the year in question, this is a personal thing.
Also, it is very tricky to fill every year, so don’t feel you have to. The core ‘youth’ years are easier. Daft stuff like music mattered more then.
If you care to try, post your songs as comments, some commentary on what memory the song evokes would be marvellous (within the confines of that which can be safely divulged!).
1978 – Pretty Little Angel Eyes – Showaddywaddy – primary school disco. I got a kiss from Agnes. Wow, I was in love.
1984(?) “Nellie the Elephant” by Toy Dolls (I think). Reminds me of swimming club disco’s in the Cupar YMCA. Strange thing about swimming club disco’s was that it was strange seeing the girls with clothes on as you were so used to seeing them half naked in the pool.
2007: Doktor Rokit – Cafe de Flore – driving over the Viaduc de Millau with the roof down in July
2006: Thievery Corporation – Ambicion Eterna – getting properly warm on a beach in Mexico
2000: Moby – Porcelain – playing out loudly over the West End of Glasgow from the balcony at 6 on a Sunday morning after Sarah’s 30th Birthday Party
1998: Shania Twain – Man I feel like a woman – The soundtrack to a three day long christmas reception/work bender
1997: Leftfield – Melt – on a loop on Radio 1 on a cold, grey 01/08/97 as we drove to Glasgow
1996: The Divine Comedy – Something for the Weekend – sitting in the bath in Cochrane Street while Chris Evans plays the track three times on his breakfast show
1995: Puccini’s La Boheme – Sono andati? Fingevo de dormire – always made her cry on the M8 (which was a good thing)
1994: Massive Attack – Protection – standing in the cold watching Sally’s train draw out of Waverley
1991: Soul II Soul – Missing You – Kym Mazelle performing at the SECC on a very hot night almost wearing a little something apparently made out of tinfoil
1989: Chris Rea – Texas – the soundtrack to the flat at Churchill
1988: T’Pau – China In Your Hand – never could stand them, certainly never will after 19/03/1988
1987: Black – Sometimes for the asking – driving down the road from Tongue with Jonathan
1986: Paul Simon – Graceland – driving the utterly ridiculous V6 Renault 25 in the snow to Perth
1985: Belouis Somme – Imagination playing on the video screens in Cinderella’s (RIP)
1984: Big Country – Close Action – Hogmanay gig at the Playhouse with Robbie, Alasdair and Andrew
1983: Gerry Rafferty – Baker Street at Carbisdale Castle. The cassette eventually wore out…
1982: Gian Carlo Menotti – The Happy Prince – exhausted and scared almost rigid on stage. Yes you’ve guessed.
1979: Cars – Gary Numan – standing in the dark at the campfire at Borthwick Castle with the track eerily echoing off the trees
1978: Ian Dury & The Blockheads – What a waste – on a jukebox in the hotel in Italy on a school skiing trip
1977: The Muppets – Lydia The Tattooed Lady. On a cassette player wedged between the front seats of the car. Especially on a long slow drive to Buckie in the snow.
1975: The Carpenters – Only Yesterday – sitting in the sun in Keith’s Dad’s car, his fingers drumming on the roof (a pale Blue Opel Manta A as you ask)
1974: Mud – Tiger Feet – My sister’s favourite single. Ever.
1972: Lee Marvin – Wand’rin’ Star (Paint Your Wagon OST) – Mum singing for my sister all the time
1997: Street Life – Crusaders. Every Friday afternoon in the summer of ’97 I would play Street Life out my bedsit window for the prostitutes on the corner. “Some hoor dancing, some hoor not”