I Used To Be The Internet

Lady Gaga just came on TV. My lovely lady wife said “I don’t even know her real name”. Obviously, iPad in hand, I had the answer in a gaggle of picoseconds. And then the sagely question was asked by the beautiful one across the room from me...

Un dimanche après-midi à l’Île de Londres

Twas a lovely Easter Sunday in London. Here are a few photos from my meandrings… Firstly, onto Hampstead Heath where people were out enjoying the sun and generally chilling. And reading newspapers on top of Parliament Hill. And parking their Chevy Impalas…...

No Cameras Allowed #travel

Being a holiday week, it’s very likely you’ll see me wandering around somewhere with my daughter and a far too heavy camera bag. As is my wont, I will take a lot of photos as I go and will liberally ping them online via my photos sites, stock sites, this...

Thoughts on Japan

It’s hard to watch the scenes of the Japanese earthquake and subsequent tsunami and not be just a little bit terrified. It’s equally hard to imagine that one minute I could be sitting hear at my computer and the next me, the computer and the house...

People and Planet : A Juxtaposition

The world has looked like a very tortured place of late. Hot on the heels of the global financial meltdown we have terrible natural disasters in New Zealand and Japan and much of the Arab world either having or about to have a barney. And then last week we had Comic...