Thoughts on Japan

It’s hard to watch the scenes of the Japanese earthquake and subsequent tsunami and not be just a little bit terrified. It’s equally hard to imagine that one minute I could be sitting hear at my computer and the next me, the computer and the house...

People and Planet : A Juxtaposition

The world has looked like a very tortured place of late. Hot on the heels of the global financial meltdown we have terrible natural disasters in New Zealand and Japan and much of the Arab world either having or about to have a barney. And then last week we had Comic...

Terra Exitus

A few years ago, after finishing The Beatle Man, I started to work on a plot for a second book. This I did and I started writing. The book was to be called Terra Exitus. I even got the domain, and did a front cover, what a doofus, certainly a reflection of how well...