Great day in town at the Science Festival in the City Arts Centre followed a trip to the National Museum of Scotland and the Fascinating Mummies exhibit. Didn’t expect to take many photos today but I lugged the camera about with me anyway ( and discovered at the museum it weighs the same as a Koala bear ). Even though it was a cold, grey day, the views from the roof terrace are great. I make no apologies for totally over-doing the HDR, the light was flat as a flat thing.
There is a reason that some photos become cliches. You have to.
Alma Mater peaking through the trees.
Or is it rooves? I love it when you can get tight enough to create a real jumble of buildings and chimneys.
See, told you I liked it.
The excellent Camera Obscura peaking about the buildings.
See, told you it was a cliche! Liked this one too.
I love them, but then I just love the colours and… I did use two of your Edinburgh shots in my book cover! 😉
IMO… rooves sounds better than roofs. You cannot say “roofs” loudly without sounding like a dog barking.