It strikes me that this blog thing lacks a theme and therefore lacks a natural audience, or indeed, any potential audience at all.
Therefore, in lieu of any emerging theme, I’m going to introduce a general ‘stuff wot I like’ vibe.
And what better place to start than to than to talk briefly about Richard Feynman. I’m not one for having heroes, but if I did, he would be one. A brilliant physicist, wonderfully entertaining and not a bad bongo player either. I won’t cheat by regurgitating other content here. If you’ve never heard of Feynman then I urge you to pour over the excellent Wikipedia entry before moving on to James Gleick’s excellent biography Genius. Then, for the final fling, grab any one of Feynman’s excellent books.
I now have all his lectures on MP3, I’ll give you and update when I have listening to them!
Website of the Day:
MorgueFile – the best photo site and home to many of my photos, all free to download.
Track of the Day:
I’m going to go for something by Seu Jorge from the Life Aquatic Sessions, any one will do.