Had a very pleasant couple of hours in the Zoo yesterday. The sun was out but because of the earlier rain, the zoo was quite quiet. Been a while since I did a photo blog post so here is a selection of shots from yesterday. Click on the images to download a free hi-res version from Morguefile.
The very last picture of the day and my favourite by far. He just started straight at me in a very inquisitive manner.
I love the fact that this guy is standing tall and proud despite looking utterly ridiculous.
I’ve no idea how many times I’ve been to the Zoo since becoming a member but the lemurs in the outdoor enclosure had never come up to see me until now. Great to get so close.
The Amur Tiger was in the slightest bit active but this shot of him sleeping is quite evocative.
These guys were the stars yesterday, there is always something going on with them, most often a fight amoung the young ones. This female was definitly straining to see something in a very entertaining pose.
The babies are very cute and are always fighting playground style.
I’ve never got a good picture of a chimp yet, this is the best I’ve managed. They tend not to sit anywhere close and in any light.
If you can get any light at all in the Magic Kingdom the little guys rarely fail to pose.
The monkey house is a little too dark usually but just about got enough light here.
There seemed to be a party going with the flamingoes, more active than normal.
As the sun came out, this guy seemed keen to pose and sunbathe in equal measure.
The colourful mane makes the tamarin’s great to shoot.
Love these shots! It often takes many visits to get all the animals you want.