New Book!
Available now from Obverse Books, my brand new novel, Science Fiction.
“Twisty and Clever” – Paul Magrs
Far into the future, 2CV – the second civilisation of humanity – teems with possibility. Everyone can choose their own ‘Fiction’ with the guarantee of living their best possible life.
But what to do if you only want one thing – and she’s gone? Or if you think this perfect world is rotten to the core?
For Jason and Caro, it will take a journey across multiple universes to uncover the truth behind the origins of 2CV, and the uncertain future to come…

Since 2010, I have been wandering the night time streets of Edinburgh with his camera.
Now, for the first time, a selection of my images have been brought together in this stunning award winning 129 page A4 hardback book accompanied by words and quotes that fans on social media will recognise as the signature style.
Take a journey through Edinburgh at its most beautiful and its most haunting.
Technology by day
other things by night

Over 32 years experience as a technologist across a range of industries

An amateur photographer, creator of Dark Edinburgh, the ongoing 13 year project to capture Edinburgh’s darker side.
Two novels with third, Science Fiction on the way.
Free Photos
I have over 4500 images available for free download from MorgueFile – a free stock photo site.
Latest From my Blog
14 years of blogging – no one quite sure why
This Is The Worst Time In History
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An Unlikely Start to a Love of Film
I grew up in a small and unremarkable council flat in Edinburgh. I was lucky enough to go to University so, when I was 17, I headed to Glasgow and a new rainy life. As soon as I did, I didn't have a bedroom at home any more. Not going to go all Four Yorkshiremen, but...
Independence Is A Stupid Idea
Independence is a stupid idea. Firstly, we are all delightfully mongrel. Sure, I cried when we lost to Peru in 1978, I identify as Scottish but also realise that that has no absolute meaning. In fact, my DNA suggests I’m at least 1% Finnish and that I am conclusively...