Blinking Flip

Not like me to miss a stat milestone but unbeknownst to me, sometime today, I passed over half a million views of my photos on MorgueFile. That’s quite a large number. Clearly it is a greater testament to the site that Michael has created, but thanks to all that...

Sunday Morning Loud Lawnmowers

I cut the hedge yesterday. More remarkable than you would imagine. But as I did it, a vague idea for this blog post started to solidify. Its all about progress, more of the hedge later.Everything progresses, everything moves forward, we try to make everything better....

Puzzle People of the World Unite

Since the disappearance of Puzzle Donkey there has been a big hole in the puzzlers life. Sure, there is Sudoku and Nonogram sites aplenty but nothing that really gave the same sense of quest, of progress of, well, frankly, eye-bleeding frustration. For this reason, it...

Ever Since I’ve Been Completely Addicted To Cities

I have, for some time, been fascinated with cities. I can’t quite put my finger on why but there is something about the complexity of a city that makes you think “How can that all work?” Cities to me to be huge complex organisms, massive consumers of...

The Hidden Millions of the E-Commerce Economy

I’ve calculated that if I live to somewhere near 1000 I might make £1M from my E-Commerce ’empire’. I have played with a number of ‘revenue’ streams over the years, never seriously, but mainly just to find out about how they work. This...