I Used To Be The Internet

Lady Gaga just came on TV. My lovely lady wife said “I don’t even know her real name”. Obviously, iPad in hand, I had the answer in a gaggle of picoseconds. And then the sagely question was asked by the beautiful one across the room from me...

The 20 Year Password

Back in 1991 I left University and started work. I came from Glasgow to live at home with my parents in Edinburgh. But my job was in Glasgow. The weekend before my first day, I went into Princes Street and bought 3 books to keep my entertained on the train journeys to...

TV Ads Missing The Brief

Apropos of not very much, earlier tonight I saw an advert on TV for Barclays Business Banking. In it you see a very slow transparent shoe making machine. The voiceover tells you that 4 out of 5 business loans are approved and suggest that this particularly shoe...

Note to 16 year old self

As I approach the end of my 20th year of professional life, I’d like to leave this short note to myself just in case, by some miracle of future technology, I end up reading this in the past. First thing to say is that choosing to work in IT wasn’t a bad...

Never Be Too Busy

I like to be busy. And I usually quite enjoy being too busy. I was once given some very wise words. You should never say you were too busy to do something. Instead you should just say that you were doing something else more important. Being “too busy” sort...

A Special Hogmanay #FF

I’ve been pottering about on Twitter for a few years now but 2010 really felt like it become part of my daily come and go. Whether it was as a simple SMS replacement or a way of making X-Factor entertaining, it has permeated through most aspects of my daily...