So much for the soft launch…

Well, the plan was to wait until I had all the ISBN/Amazon nonsense completed before telling people how they could buy the book and releasing it on the world but some quirks of the system have let it loose to those kind souls keen enough to buy a copy before...

Marketing, Shmarketing…

And so thoughts now turn to marketing a book. A bit of an impasse while I await all the ISBN gubbins, so I’m having a think about promoting the book. Clearly, if you write it, they don’t come, so something needs to be attempted to overcome that.I’m...

Muted, Pointless Drumroll Please…

Don’t all get too excited, but here is the World Premiere, latest version of the front cover. It will maybe get a little tweak before the final version goes out to distribution. Alternatively, I’ll have got bored of it by then and will have a whole new...


Well, the plan is working. I’m having fun. Despite it being a little bit fiddly at times, getting The Beatle Man prepared to publish is proving a lot of fun. Not been this energised with it for a long while. So the main goal is being acheived.It’s going...


So, here we are. I’ve submitted The Beatle Man to a couple of publishers and a few agents and been rejected by all. This would seem to be expected and advice would tell you that you keep on submitting and see how you get on. Well, frankly, I can’t be...