My Big Fat Lovely MP3 Player

When people look at my Archos 504 these days, it usually gets the same reaction “What on earth is that thing?”. To which I reply “It’s my MP3 player”. At which point they are even more bemused “…but, but… it’s,...

The Internet and External Validation Addiction

Back in the early 90’s there was much to celebrate. Aside from being thin and having hair, the TV was full of things to keep any self-respecting pseudo-intellectual happy. The ultra-cool obviously watched Twin Peaks. Still a classic and hasn’t aged at all....

Hey @RovioMobile, We Invented Angry Birds!

It is a little known fact that Angry Birds was invented in the 1970’s by two small boys in the barren urban landscape of Wester Hailes on the outskirts of Edinburgh. How do I know? I was one of those boys. The other, Stuart Douglas, is so far behind the mobile...

How to make iPad Backgrounds With Picasa

You may have asked yourself how I made the iPad backgrounds that I have posted herein. Maybe not. But I’m going to tell you anyway. I used Google’s Picasa. I have all my photos organised in Picasa, so that makes things easier, but you don’t need to...

Writing in the Cloud

My keen eyed reader will have noticed that I recently mentioned my first tentative steps towards a new novel. Being far more of a techy than a writer, I obviously spent far more time worrying about how to organise the writing process rather than doing much writing and...