This Is The Worst Time In History

This Is The Worst Time In History

This is the worst time in history. Allow me to explain. Yes, I know, there is much to celebrate. As I type, a space telescope is following a trail of 18th century maths and 21st century science to unlock the origins of the Universe with the most complete answer to...
An Unlikely Start to a Love of Film

An Unlikely Start to a Love of Film

I grew up in a small and unremarkable council flat in Edinburgh. I was lucky enough to go to University so, when I was 17, I headed to Glasgow and a new rainy life. As soon as I did, I didn’t have a bedroom at home any more. Not going to go all Four...
Independence Is A Stupid Idea

Independence Is A Stupid Idea

Independence is a stupid idea. Firstly, we are all delightfully mongrel. Sure, I cried when we lost to Peru in 1978, I identify as Scottish but also realise that that has no absolute meaning. In fact, my DNA suggests I’m at least 1% Finnish and that I am conclusively...


If you are self-taught at photography like me you might eventually notice that, over time, you seem to be getting better. It’s not immediately obvious but a look back of old stuff can illicit some eye-rolls and “what was I thinking?”. While doing all...