PhotoBlog : A Brief Trip To Iceland
Feb 25, 2015 | Photography
Most of the time we refer to the process of travelling for leisure as 'sightseeing'. In the case of Iceland, I'd like to propose a new term - 'sightfeeling'. You don't just leave Iceland with the pictures in your head, you have very strong memories of what it felt...
An Occasional Visitor’s Guide to Brentford Nightlife with the X100S
Jan 17, 2015 | Photography
My work life is split between Brentford and Livingston, cultural centres both. Spending so much time in Brentford, you get to know it pretty well. This is the result of a brief wander one cold, January evening with the X100S. Not exhaustive, there is more to report on...
Amazing Birds at Rhuallan Raptors
Dec 27, 2014 | Photography
We had a great day out recently at Rhuallan Raptors. We flew the amazing owls and then took a Harris Hawk for a walk. A very obliging soul he was too. Here are a few pics from the day. My attempts at getting the birds in flight are filed under "needs practice". All in...
A Weekend in London with the Fuji X100S – Part 2
Oct 27, 2014 | Fuji X100S, Photography
Second part of the Fuji X100S London weekend pics. Part 1 is here. All the photos can be downloaded hi-res for free from Morguefile.
A Weekend in London with the Fuji X100S – Part 1
Oct 27, 2014 | Fuji X100S, Photography
A rare weekend in London with a whole Friday to wander about with the camera and good bit of Saturday and Sunday too. Always too many places to get to in anything less than a month but I manage to cover a fair bit of distance. As ever, the Fuji X100S was brilliant,...
A Trip to Venice with the Fuji X100S
Aug 30, 2014 | Fuji X100S, Photography
Heeding my own advice, on my recent holiday, I only took my Fuji X100S and left the big, heavy stuff at home. These photos are what came from a wander round Venice late afternoon, early evening. All B&W conversion done with Silver Efex Pro. All these images can be...
An Amazing Thing Happened…
Aug 20, 2014 | Writing
On 1st November 2006 I registered Almost 8 (count them, 8) years later, I have finally finished the first draft of the book. In the end, it didn't take that long. It's not a long book, more of a novella (albeit its about the same length as the novel...
In Pursuit Of Nothing and The Joy of Reading
Aug 19, 2014 | travel, zeitgeist
It is Sunday. I think. The Mediterranean stretches out in front of me for as far as the calculations of Erastothenes allow. If my bearings were better I could point to where he was born from here. South is to my left. I think. I'm blissfully uncertain of many things....
The Town Square
Jun 3, 2014 | Writing
He was making his point loudly. The still night let his voice echo off the tiled roofs bouncing it towards every window and up into the starry ether. In winter, the tightly closed shutters keep out the cold and the distant voices. In summer, the daytime heat hides in...
A Sunny Return to Edinburgh Zoo
Jun 1, 2014 | Photography
You know what no one has said to me ever? "Scott, it's been a while since you did a blog post of zoo photos." Undeterred, I press on. The sun was shining, had a few spare hours so nipped into the zoo. As we reversed away from the house, the sun went in. Which was...
Inside St. Giles’ Cathedral with the Fuji X100S
May 18, 2014 | Fuji X100S, Photography
In all my 40-odd years of mainly kicking about Edinburgh, I had, until recently, never set foot inside St. Giles' Cathedral. Well, I had a spare couple of hours around the Old Town so wandered in, paid my £2 to take photos (and wore my sticker) and thoroughly enjoyed...
The Animals of the Highland Wildlife Park
May 5, 2014 | Photography
As a member of the RZSS, I seemed remiss that I'd never made it to the Highland Wildlife Park, something I remedied this year when we were near enough up North to pop over towards Kingussie and have a look. Very much enjoyed the day and some of the animals were kind...
People In The Museum
May 4, 2014 | Photography
I did a post a while back of various people watching images. This is a follow-up of sorts, pictures of people in the National Museum of Scotland. I always find myself trying to work out the back story for people. Why are they there? Who are they waiting on?
Why the Fuji X100S is the Perfect Travel Camera
Mar 29, 2014 | Fuji X100S, Photography, travel
Before my recent trip to Prague, I spent some time deciding what camera gear to take. My usual default would always be to take the 5D and at least 3 lenses and squeeze the 8kg or so on as cabin baggage on the plane. Obviously, the 5D is an awesome camera and, with my...
A World of Wonder For a Tenner
Mar 28, 2014 | zeitgeist
Ten pounds doesn't go far these days. Having a tenner used to be a world of opportunity. A ticket to choice, discovery, wonder. It was also a problem. You had to choose how to spend it, you might not get that kind of chance for quite some time. If you got it wrong,...
Prague Street Photography with the Fuji X100S
Mar 25, 2014 | Fuji X100S, Photography
Prague is great for street photography, lots going on and many interesting people. Obviously, the Fuji X100S is also great in the street, especially at being noticed. Here is a small selection of my wandering around Prague.
On the Propagation of Truth and Intent in Large Organisations
Mar 21, 2014 | Technology, zeitgeist
Truth can be considered an absolute. Logically there can be only one truth but reality is usually very different. In effect, everyone has their own truth shaped by their perceptions, motivations, agenda, understanding. If history is written by the victors, truth can...
The Campaign for Misinformation on Planes
Mar 18, 2014 | Writing, zeitgeist
You perhaps won't be entirely surprised to learn that I wrote this on a plane. And, yes, I was sneaking a look. Just being silly but it passed the time... It started innocently enough with a simple observation. A well turned out professional gent or lady, sitting on a...
The Owls of the Scottish Owl Centre
Mar 15, 2014 | Photography
Owls are great aren't they? They seem to cram quite a lot of character into a relatively small animal. And they come in such amazing variety. Had a random Friday off work during the school holidays so we took a quick trip out to the Scottish Owl Centre. It was a very...
Prague Night Photography with the Fuji X100S
Mar 9, 2014 | Fuji X100S, Photography
First of probably a few posts from my recent trip to Prague. A great city to visit and photograph, especially with the ever-amazing Fuji X100S. As usual, free his downloads of this images are available here.